Norse Articles

The Vegvisir – Famous Viking Symbols

The vegvisir is a symbol dating back to medieval Icelandic magical staves, designed to be worn as an amulet or spell cast by the user.

The Aesir – Rulers of the Norse Gods

The Norse people had rich and complex religious beliefs before the introduction of Christianity. Norse mythology revolved around a pantheon of gods and goddesses, including Odin, Thor, and Freya. These deities represented natural phenomena, such as fertility, storms, and war.

Norse Mythology – A Complete Overview

Norse mythology is a collection of stories about gods and heroes from Scandinavia. These stories were passed down orally for centuries before being written down, and they provide an important glimpse into the culture and beliefs of the Norse people.

Thors Hammer Mjolnir | Myth, History Pop Culture and FAQ

How do you pronounce Mjolnir? Mjolnir is pronounced phonetically as "me-ull-near" with emphasis on the "ull", not the "near". What is Mjolnir? Thor's hammer Mjolnir is the name given to the Norse Aesir God Thor's main weapon; his short-handled masonry hammer. It is...